I'm copying some query statements from a legacy VB app to a C# app. I am not familiar with VB, although looking at it makes me want a VB (Victoria Bitter). I have come across queries constructed like this:
*SELECT dp_duckbill_accounts.platypus_no AS duckbill, t_accounts.name AS Name " & _
"FROM t_accounts INNER JOIN dp_duckbill_accounts ON t_accounts.account_no = dp_duckbill_accounts.account_no " & _
"ORDER BY dp_duckbill_accounts.platypus_no*
The "& _" give me pause. If it was just "&" I would think it corresponds to "+" in C# to concatenate strings. But what in the world is the point of the underscore? Note the ampersand and the underscore are separated by a space.
The underscore is the line continuation character. It allows the concatenation to include a different line. Like so:
x = "Hello " & "World"
x = "Hello " & _
'this won't compile (pre vb.net 2010, anyway)
x = "Hello " &
Line Continuation on MSDN
How to: Break and Combine Statements in Code (Visual Basic)
means continue the statement on the following line.
so ... & _
means continue concatenating the string on the following line.
text = "One line string"
text = "Two line " & _
That is just a line continuation character that lets you continue to the next line.
& - is used for string concatenation in same line.
example - sConcatenatedString = "First" & "Second"
& _ - is used For string concatenation in different lines.
example - sConcatenatedString = "First" &_