I have a Linux-64 bit machine. How do I install PyPy in my anaconda environment. I tried conda install pypy. It says there are no available packages. pip install pypy also returns a similar message. Is it that the only way to install PyPy is by downloading the tar.gz file from the website? Once installed, how do I configure my Anaconda environment in such a way so as to be able to switch from PyPy to other Python implementations when required?
conda-forge now supports PyPy3.6 as the python interpreter in a conda environment (see the official blog post):
conda config --set channel_priority strict
conda create -n pypy pypy
conda activate pypy
And then use it like your regular python
executable (notice that this is a different Python interpreter, not a package)
pypy3 -c "import sys; print(sys.version)"
It works on Linux and OSX.
NOTE: conda-pypy is archived, this answer outdated, and conda-forge is in the process of producing PyPy packages. You should use that instead.
There is an alternative approach maintained by Riccardo Vianello on GitHub:
It basically involves using his conda channel instead of the default one to install necessary packages. Some basic ones are provided.
In addition to Ohad's answer, create a new environment to house pypy first. PyPy wouldn't install for my base configuration but did this way:
conda create -n <newenviromnentname>
Enter the enviromnent
conda activate <newenviromnentname>
install pypy to the environment
conda install -c conda-forge pypy3.6
Then proceed to install the rest of the packages you need available.
Puppy's version support can found here: http://pypy.org/download.html.
It is distributed specific, so if you don't have a supported district you can. Try using the build option.
Without more info on your Linux and python versions, it is hard to add more.