
Problems setting a new node value in java, dom, xm

2020-06-08 03:23发布


I have the following code:

DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory_.newDocumentBuilder();
StringReader reader = new StringReader(s);
InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(reader);
Document doc_ = dBuilder.parse(inputSource);

and then I would like to create a new element in that node right under the root node with this code:

Node node = doc_.createElement("New_Node");

The problem is that the node gets created and appended but the value isn't set. I don't know if I just can't see the value when I look at my xml if its hidden in some way but I don't think that's the case because I've tried to get the node value after the create node call and it returns null. I'm new to xml and dom and I don't know where the value of the new node is stored. Is it like an attribute?

<New_Node value="New_Node_value" />

or does it put value here:

<New_Node> New_Node_value </New_Node>

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

Thanks, Josh


The following code:

Element node = doc_.createElement("New_Node");
node.setTextContent("This is the content");  //adds content
node.setAttribute("attrib", "attrib_value"); //adds an attribute


<New_Node attrib="attrib_value">This is the content</New_Node>

Hope this clarifies.


For clarification, when you create nodes use:

Attr x = doc.createAttribute(...);
Comment x = doc.createComment(...);
Element x = doc.createElement(...);   // as @dogbane pointed out
Text x = doc.createTextNode(...);

instead of using the generic Node for what you get back from each method. It will make your code easier to read/debug.

Secondly, the getNodeValue() / setNodeValue() methods work differently depending on what type of Node you have. See the summary of the Node class for reference. For an Element, you can't use these methods, although for a Text node you can.

As @dogbane pointed out, use setTextContent() for the text between this element's tags. Note that this will destroy any existing child elements.


This is other solution, in my case this solution is working because the setTextContent() function not exist. I am working with Google Web Toolkit (GWT) (It is a development framework Java) and I am imported the XMLParser library for I can use DOM Parser.

import com.google.gwt.xml.client.XMLParser;

Document doc = XMLParser.createDocument();

Element node = doc.createElement("New_Node"); node.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("value"));


The result is:

<New_Node> value </New_Node>


<New_Node value="New_Node_value" />

'value' is an attribute of


element, for getting into DOM I suggest you http://www.w3schools.com/htmldom/default.asp

标签: java xml dom