I have an email like the following. The problem is, it works fine on Gmail, but on outlook, all CSS inline statements don't work.
One example is:
<a href="https://www.facebook.com/BePureApparel" target="_blank"><img style="width: 35px;" src="{img_dir}fb.png" /></a>
//The image width is stripped out and the original size is used to display
Are there any fixes for this?
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Actually, the source code does not strip the CSS, but when the page is viewed, Outlook acts as if the CSS is stripped out, any idea?
Update (29/11/2015):
So, I finally found out that width:50px
is not working, I have to use width="50"
to control the size, as I only need to support Outlook 2013 and later versions, I wonder:
Is it true that Outlook 2013 doesn't support inline CSS like
on IMG tags?If it does support it, does the problem lie on the email server instead?
Are there any easier ways to convert my template to support Outlook 2013?