Google Sitemap Date Format

2020-06-08 02:35发布


I need date format for sitemaps in php.

How can i do that ?

Is this output right ?



If you have the timestamp you can format the date correctly like this:

<lastmod><?php echo date('c', $timestamp); ?></lastmod>

Time stamp could be time() (for current time) or some other method of fetching a unix tiemstamp like strtotime()


To format the current timestamp in W3C Datetime encoding (as used in sitemap.xml files) use the following parameters.

echo date('Y-m-dTH:i:sP', time());

As of PHP5 you can also use the c format character to print the exact same string.

echo date('c',time());

These would both print out the following:




To convert from a MySQL's datetime format to the one needed for lastmod in sitemaps, just use the PHP code below.

$lastmod = '2012-11-28 10:53:17'; //MySQL datetime format

$datetime = new DateTime($lastmod);
$result = $datetime->format('Y-m-d\TH:i:sP');

echo $result; //2012-11-28T10:53:17+01:00


According to Google, he value is an optional field that, if provided, must be formatted as


The default export of an SQL datetime is dependent on the language setting for your server, and may include spaces and characterized TZD such as:

2014-09-19 10:33:05 UTC

The W3 specify that TZD can be formatted in any of three options

TZD = time zone designator (Z or +hh:mm or -hh:mm)

Any spaces from your default formatting must be stripped; the character 'T' must be inserted before time, and the TZD must match one of the supported types.

Therefore to format the current timestamp, use the following parameters.

echo date('Y-m-dTH:i:sP', time());

As of PHP5 you can also use the c format character to print the exact same string.

echo date('c',time());


Your getting this output because you used the old recommended timestamp string of


However, what you need is


This single back slash will make the difference. At some point a capital T became a special character in PHP signifying timecode, so if you don't escape the T you will get exactly what your reporting.


I know the question was about PHP, but I found this page googling for Node/JavaScript. So the closest equivalent is Date.toISOString():

var d = new Date();
d.toISOString(); // "2017-04-19T07:23:16.040Z"


You have a lot of formats to choose from. Using the c parameter with the date() function will get the recommended format for you.


delete "EES" Mine is like this 2013-12-26T19:00:00-05:00 and it works


Actually, there are 2 approaches to this.

The first approach is to set a valid date for XML sitemap which includes the "C" char which gave the value: (2019-06-03T17:30:21-05:00). Test it here

<lastmod>'.date('c', strtotime($row['date'])).'</lastmod>

The 2nd approach is to set a valid date for RSS sitemap which includes the "r" char which gave the value: (2019-03-07T17:55:44+00:00).

<pubDate>'.date('r', strtotime($row['date'])).'</pubDate>

Hope this helps you. Thanks


with moment.js;
