I create Groovy objects using this convention...
Item item1 = new Item( name: "foo", weight: "150")
...is there a shorthand convention for manipulating properties object? something like this...
item1( name: "hello", weight: "175") //this does not work, btw ;-)
...instead of...
item1.name = "hello"
item1.weight = "175"
You have the with
method, as described by the great Mr Haki
name = "hello"
weight = "175"
Yes, you can do it like this:
item1.metaClass.setProperties(item1, [name: "hello", weight: "175"])
I prefer item1.with if I have concrete variables to change
item1.with {
name = "lalal"
weight = 86
high = 100
I prefer InvokerHelper.setProperties when I have map of properties (can be any size)
class Item{
def name
def weight
Item item1 = new Item( name: "foo", weight: "150")
println "before: $item1"
use(InvokerHelper) {
item1.setProperties weight: 22, name: "abc"
println "after : $item1"
before: Item(foo, 150)
after : Item(abc, 22)