There is a way to send my location to facebook-messenger from a mobile client, but how can I send some location from a bot? (messenger platform api)
When I try to send a similar structure from bot, I get an error:
(#100) Unsupported attachment type
Is there a way to send my location from bot?
Example of received message to bot:
"object": "page",
"entry": [{
"id": "1719442148306048",
"time": 1466780344978,
"messaging": [{
"sender": {"id": "123456789"},
"recipient": {"id": "987654321"},
"timestamp": 1466780344847,
"message": {
"mid": "mid.12345698875:c80066d69b6cee1779",
"seq": 65,
"attachments": [{
"title": "Dmitry's Location",
"url": "Link to through facebook redirect"
"type": "location",
"payload": {"coordinates": {"lat": 55, "long": 37}}
I try send message with attachment like this:
"attachment": {
"type": "location",
"payload": {"coordinates": {"lat": 55, "long": 37}}