I am using a set operation in python to perform a symmetric difference between two numpy arrays. The result, however, is a set and I need to convert it back to a numpy array to move forward. Is there a way to do this? Here's what I tried:
a = numpy.array([1,2,3,4,5,6])
b = numpy.array([2,3,5])
c = set(a) ^ set(b)
The results is a set:
In [27]: c
Out[27]: set([1, 4, 6])
If I convert to a numpy array, it places the entire set in the first array element.
In [28]: numpy.array(c)
Out[28]: array(set([1, 4, 6]), dtype=object)
What I need, however, would be this:
I could loop over the elements to convert one by one, but I will have 100,000 elements and hoped for a built-in function to save the loop. Thanks!