How do I use play to develop webservice?
I cannot find any documents in the official site.
How do I use play to develop webservice?
I cannot find any documents in the official site.
Quite simple really.
Play comes with a number of methods that you can use to expose your actions as web services.
For example
These can all be used to render data in a particular way.
If you had a web service, let's assume a RESTful webservice, that you wanted to return the sum of two numbers, you could do so in the following way
public class Application extends Controller {
public static void sum(Float num1, Float num2) {
Float result = num1 * num2;
if your route is set up to use XML as the format, or the format is set correctly in the request header, you then return the result using a normal groovy template called app/views/Application/sum.xml
To setup the route to format correctly, then add the following line to your route
GET /webservices/sum Application.sum(format:'xml')
The sum.xml would then look something like
The same concept works for JSON.
If however you don't want to use groovy templates, you could simply create the XML or JSON using the renderJSON
/ renderXML
methods, but this does mean you are building presentation logic into your controller, which is bad practice.
As a subnote, if you want to consume webservices, then you use the play.libs.WS class. I have written a blog on how to do that