Apache Commons CLI : Getting list of values for an

2020-06-06 20:05发布


For a CLI, I have a requirement to pass in an array of ints as input for a particular option.

Example - The below command would take in an array of customerIds and perform some operations.

myCommand -c 123 124 125

I have implemented the CLI using Apache commons CLI, and I am using getOptionValues("c") to retrieve this array.

The problem is that, this is returning only the first element in the array, i.e. [123], while I am expecting it to return [123, 124, 125].

A condensed version of my code,

CommandLine cmd;
CommandLineParser parser = new BasicParser();
cmd = parser.parse(options, args);
if (cmd.hasOption("c")){
String[] customerIdArray = cmd.getOptionValues("c");
// Code to parse data into int

Can someone help me identify the issue here?


You have to set maximum the number of argument values the option can take, otherwise it assumes the option only has 1 argument value

Options options = new Options();
Option option = new Option("c", "c desc");
// Set option c to take maximum of 10 arguments


I'd like to add this here as an answer to @Zangdak and to add my findings on the same problem.

If you do not call #setArgs(int) then a RuntimeException will occur. When you know the exact maximum amount of arguments to this option, then set this specific value. When this value is not known, the class Option has a constant for it: Option.UNLIMITED_VALUES

This would change gerrytans answer to the following:

Options options = new Options();
Option option = new Option("c", "c desc");
// Set option c to take 1 to oo arguments


It looks like i am a bit late for the party but apache commons cli evolved and now (at least in 1.3.1) we have a new way to set that there can be unlimited number of arguments

Option c = Option.builder("c")
        .hasArgs() // sets that number of arguments is unlimited
        Options options = new Options();


You have to specify two parameters setArgs and setValueSeparator. Then you can pass a list of arguments like -k=key1,key2,key3.

Option option = new Option("k", "keys", true, "Description");
// Maximum of 10 arguments that can pass into option
// Comma as separator