I'm generating nested form from a json object say formObject and binding the values in the json object itself. I'm parsing the values recursively and pulling out the actual data say dataObject at submit.
I can retrieve the dataObject in a linear form like this one. http://jsfiddle.net/DrQ77/80/.
<select ng-model="Answers[question.Name]" ng-options="option for option in question.Options">
In contrast to the above, http://jsfiddle.net/DrQ77/92/ has some recursion. I've renamed question
to element
for it to represent both questions & sections. Every section can have multiple questions & again, multiple sections (this is what I meant by nesting). What I want eventually is an object in a form below with any level of nesting.
values:[{GenderQuestion:"Male"},{MaritalStatus:"Married"},{section:"Sub Personal",values:[{LivingWith:"Alone"}]}]
}, {
This is one solution & I can get it on submit, $scope.Answers from the first fiddle does not (I think) allow that kind of nesting. But when I have to update an existing dataObject, I felt a need to map the dataObjects onto the formObject before rendering it, and then parsing again on submit.
Now this isn't MVC, doesn't look elegant (due to the recursion) & I think there's an 'angular way' for this.
Has anybody tried this & got it working in a better fashion? How do I get around it?
Not very pretty, but this is an alternative to the solution you've already proposed.
function QuestionController($scope) {
$scope.answers = {};
$scope.tempOption = "";
$scope.questions = [
"text": "Gender?",
"name": "GenderQuestion",
"options": ["Male", "Female"]},
"text": "Favorite color?",
"name": "ColorQuestion",
"options": ["Red", "Blue", "Green"]}
$scope.showAnswers = function () {
$scope.pumpOption = function (name, tempOption) {
$scope.answers[name] = tempOption;
<ul ng-repeat="question in questions">
<select ng-model="tempOption" ng-options="opt for opt in question.options" ng-change="pumpOption(question.name, tempOption)">
We bind the value of the selected option in the select tag to a $scope.tempOption variable.
We then listen for the ng-change event to occur on this select tag, where we run a function that takes the $scope.tempOption variable plus the {{question.name}} associated with the select tag.
This function then sets answers[name] to the current value of $scope.tempOption.
Hope this works out for you, good luck :)
var model = {
genders:["Male", "Female"],
topic:["Gender", "Color"],
category:["Favorite", "Least favorite"],
function makeQuestion(topic, category){
return (category+1 ? model.category[category] + ' ' : '')
+ ' ' + model.topic[topic] + '?'
function QuestionController($scope){
$scope.Answers = {};
$scope.Questions = [
"Text": makeQuestion(0),
"Name": "GenderQuestion",
"Options": model.genders
"Text": makeQuestion(1,0),
"Name": "ColorQuestion",
"Options": model.colors.slice(0,3)
"Text": makeQuestion(0,1),
"Name": "SexistQuestion",
"Options": model.genders
"Text": makeQuestion(1,1),
"Name": "RacistQuestion",
$scope.ShowAnswers = function()
Ok, i was kidding around.
But have you tried using a flat related object relational table approach instead of nested?
{ "Name": 'Personal', "questions":[0], sub:[1] },
{ "Name": 'SubPersonal', "questions":[3], sub:[]},
{ "Name": 'Random', "questions":[1,2], sub:[] }
{ "Name":"Gender", "Text":"Gender?", "Options":["Male", "Female"] },
{ "Name":"Color", "Text":"Favorite Color?", "Options":["Red","Blue","Green"] },
{ "Name":"LivingWith", "Text":"Living With?", "Options":["Alone","Someone"] },
{ "Name":"Random", "Text":"SectionLess", "Options":["opt1", "opt2"] }
simply create $scope.Answer = {};
and link ng-model to it. http://jsfiddle.net/2AwLM/40/
Ok - this wasn't as trivial as I first thought, so I hope it's what you're after - you'll want to use a directive that dynamically generates its template HTML (better yet, use templateUrl and a function which passes in type)
TLDR: See the fiddle at http://jsfiddle.net/cirrusinno/SzaNW/2
The HTML is quite simple
<div ng-controller="questionsController">
<!-- for each question, render section or question -->
<div ng-repeat="item in Questions">
<!-- we ignore section here as it's a root section -->
<question item="item"></question>
You'll need to create a directive that can render both questions & sections. It will also need to keep track of the section so it can build the answers
.directive('question', ['$compile', '$templateCache', function ($compile, $templateCache) {
var generateHtmlTemplate = function (item, section) {
return item.type != 'section' ?
// render the question
'question ' + item.name + '<br/>' +
'<select ng-model="optionValue" ng-options="opt for opt in item.options" ng-change="pushAnswer(item.name, section, optionValue)"></select>' :
// or the template for a section
'<br/><hr/>section ' + item.sectionName + '<br/>' +
'<div ng-repeat="q in item.questions"><question item="q" section="item"></question></div><hr/>';
var currentSection = null;
return {
scope: {
item: '=',
section: '='
restrict: 'E',
link: function ($scope, element, attrs) {
// check current section
if ($scope.item.type == 'section') {
// set new current section
$scope.currentSection = $scope.item;
} else {
// use section passed in from parent section
$scope.currentSection = $scope.section;
// get template html
var t = generateHtmlTemplate($scope.item, $scope.currentSection);
// set the scope function to set the value
$scope.pushAnswer = function (q, section, value) {
// build the Answers object here however you want...
if (section != null) {
console.log('pushAnswer q=' + q.name + ' - section=' + section.sectionName + ' - value=' + value);
} else {
console.log('pushAnswer q=' + q.name + ' - section=rootSection - value=' + value);
// chuck it into element as template
// compile it up and return it