I have a table that contains the unit price and other details of each item in a store.
CREATE TABLE Item (Item_id CHAR(4), Description CHAR(40), Sizes CHAR(40), Weight REAL, Unit_price REAL, PRIMARY KEY(Item_id));
And another one that contains details of the items contained in each order.
CREATE TABLE Order_contains_items (Item_id CHAR(4), Order_no INT, Quantity_ordered INT, Ordered_price REAL, PRIMARY KEY(Item_id, Order_no), FOREIGN KEY(Order_no) REFERENCES Order(Order_no), FOREIGN KEY(Item_id) REFERENCES Item(Item_id));
Now I want to compute
Order_contains_items.Ordered_price = Item.Unit_price * Order_contains_items.Quantity_ordered WHERE Order_contains_items.Item_id = Item.Item_id
Note that I want it to be a part of the table itself and not as a different view or a query. How can I do this? I looked into triggers and other mechanisms for this but do they work for values in different tables especially with such constraints?
I tried the following trigger based on Column calculated from another column? :
CREATE TRIGGER Order_price BEFORE INSERT ON Order_contains_items
SET NEW.Ordered_price = Item.Unit_price * NEW.Quantity_ordered
WHERE NEW.Item_id = Item.Item_i
But it didn't seem to work