hello everyone in my application i have to use Paypal for Norway currency(NOK) and everything is fine but when i used sandbox for testing the Paypal the state comes as pending while when i tried the same code for US Dollars the state is approved why this happening. Here is my code and response
self.resultText = nil;
NSUserDefaults *defpay=[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
NSString *mon=[defpay objectForKey:@"month"];
app *ap=[app new];
dictpay=[ap paypal:mon category:_strcategoryid1 catid:_strpostid1];
NSString *strprice=[dictpay objectForKey:@"price"];
NSLog(@"%@", _lbl.text);
PayPalPayment *payment = [[PayPalPayment alloc] init];
payment.amount = [[NSDecimalNumber alloc] initWithString:strprice];
//payment.amount = [[NSDecimalNumber alloc] initWithString:@"12"];
payment.currencyCode = @"NOK";
payment.shortDescription = @"Payment";
if (!payment.processable)
// This particular payment will always be processable. If, for
// example, the amount was negative or the shortDescription was
// empty, this payment wouldn't be processable, and you'd want
// to handle that here.
// Update payPalConfig re accepting credit cards.
self.payPalConfig.acceptCreditCards = self.acceptCreditCards;
PayPalPaymentViewController *paymentViewController;
paymentViewController = [[PayPalPaymentViewController alloc] initWithPayment:payment
// Present the PayPalPaymentViewController.
[self presentViewController:paymentViewController animated:YES completion:nil];
@catch(NSException *e)
Here is the response which i got for NOK
client = {
environment = sandbox;
"paypal_sdk_version" = "2.0.5";
platform = iOS;
"product_name" = "PayPal iOS SDK";
response = {
"create_time" = "2014-04-30T05:43:49Z";
id = "PAY-7DX14671UN8535156KNQI3FI";
intent = sale;
state = pending;
"response_type" = payment;