Firebase angularfire in new firebase

2020-06-06 02:25发布


I have an angular app, which utilizes the angularFire library. It is stated in the firebase documentation that angularfire is supported

I have updated firebase and angularfire to the latest version.

BEFORE: //This works :-)

    // *** DataService ***

    var root = new Firebase(FIREBASE_URL);         

    var service = { 
        root: root, 
        items: root.child('items'), 
        tastings: root.child('tastings'), 
        users: root.child('users'), 
        votes: root.child('votes') 

    return service;

    // *** Controller ***

    $scope.tastings = $firebaseArray(dataService.tastings); 

AFTER: //This does not work :-(

    // *** app.js ***

    .run(function (FIREBASE_CONFIG) {

    // *** DataService ***

    var root = firebase.database().ref();         

    var service = { 
        root: root, 
        items: root.child('items'), 
        tastings: root.child('tastings'), 
        users: root.child('users'), 
        votes: root.child('votes') 

    return service;

    // *** Controller ***

    $scope.tastings = $firebaseArray(dataService.tastings); 

The error I am getting: "Must pass a valid Firebase reference to $firebase (not a string or URL)"

It looks like a firebase reference in chrome console when i evaluate dataService.tastings, though there are new properties like database, which has been added.


AngularFire is now officially updated to support Firebase 3.x.x :)


Yes, AngularFire is supported with google's new firebase 3 and above.

Along with that you can get the detailed documentation of it on : GitHub :


I'm using the latest version in one of my projects and it works fine so you should have something like this:

/// Main configuration of Firebase

    var config = {
        apiKey: "AIzaSyDcPq_z9vh4CidkzFDyerRK0ZS7gs2Sj14",
        authDomain: "",
        databaseURL: "",
        storageBucket: "",
        messagingSenderId: "497040832817"

This part is pure Javascript so you don't need to include it in an Angular file.

Then those are the Angular files I'm using.

/// Database service

    function firebaseDataService() {
        var root = firebase.database().ref();

        var service = {
            root: root,
            requests: root.child('requests'),
            places: root.child('places')

        return service;

As you can see my service looks like yours.

/// Specific service to retrieve data

function cityTimerService($firebaseArray, firebaseDataService, $firebaseObject, $rootScope, $q, $http) {

        var service = {
            getRequestsByUser: getRequestsByUser,

        return service;

        function getRequestsByUser(uid) {
            if (!requests) {
                requests = $firebaseArray(firebaseDataService.requests.child(uid).child('userRequests'));
            return requests;

Basically you don't longer need to provide the FIREBASE_URL because it's part of the configuration object. For the record you can get this configuration object from your Firebase console.

If you want to take a closer look on the code I have in my project you can do it here.