I have an angular app, which utilizes the angularFire library. It is stated in the firebase documentation that angularfire is supported https://firebase.google.com/support/guides/firebase-web#update_your_firebase_libraries_numbered
I have updated firebase and angularfire to the latest version.
BEFORE: //This works :-)
// *** DataService ***
var root = new Firebase(FIREBASE_URL);
var service = {
root: root,
items: root.child('items'),
tastings: root.child('tastings'),
users: root.child('users'),
votes: root.child('votes')
return service;
// *** Controller ***
$scope.tastings = $firebaseArray(dataService.tastings);
AFTER: //This does not work :-(
// *** app.js ***
.run(function (FIREBASE_CONFIG) {
// *** DataService ***
var root = firebase.database().ref();
var service = {
root: root,
items: root.child('items'),
tastings: root.child('tastings'),
users: root.child('users'),
votes: root.child('votes')
return service;
// *** Controller ***
$scope.tastings = $firebaseArray(dataService.tastings);
The error I am getting: "Must pass a valid Firebase reference to $firebase (not a string or URL)"
It looks like a firebase reference in chrome console when i evaluate dataService.tastings, though there are new properties like database, which has been added.