I opened a Laravel form and left it as it is for long time (5-6 hours) or hibernated my computer. After long time or after resuming from hibernate when I submit the form it shows a TokenMismatchException
I don't have any _token
field by my own. But a _token
field is added by Laravel in every form. It looks like this:
<input name="_token" type="hidden" value="YLyMGdfLKZESo51SYUHLKAzC6MNRLOQc9D9e2RFq">
I understand there is some token expiry issue, but it is bad to show a client an error message like this.
Now, I want to redirect my application to the login page or home page if the token is expired, or show a custom error message instead of a Laravel Token Mismatch
Note: I don't want to increase token expire time.
All exceptions are handled by the App\Exceptions\Handler class
Taka a look at Laravel 5.1 errors#render-method you will find that you can create a custom
Exeption render
, check the following example for the TokenMismatchException
error, that will redirect the user to index view with custom message :
public function render($request, Exception $e)
if ($e instanceof \Illuminate\Session\TokenMismatchException) {
return response()->view('index', ['message' => 'custom message'], 500);
return parent::render($request, $e);
Hope this helps.
I haven't made my way up to Laravel 5.1 yet, but as of 4.2, I used something like this to handle token mismatch errors in app/start/global.php
App::error(function(Exception $exception, $code)
// if they get token mismatch, redirect to homepage
if( strpos($exception->__toString(), 'Illuminate\Session\TokenMismatchException') !== false ){
return Redirect::route('getHome')->with('notice', Lang::get('messages.sessionExpired'));
// rest of error handling...
I'd imagine this would need some modification for Laravel 5.1, but I hope it helps you get on the right track!
Here are some links that will probably help you:
- Laravel catch TokenMismatchException
- Handle TokenMismatchException in laravel 5
- http://laravel.com/docs/5.1/errors#the-exception-handler