When trying to install the android sdk for Aldebaran's pepper robot on my computer following this official tutorial:
Step 1: android.aldebaran.com/doc/installation.html
Step 2: android.aldebaran.com/doc/create_project.html#create-project
When trying to launch the Virtual Robot Environment of Pepper's tablet on my computer this message is printed: "Robot SDK'0.9' is not complete. Please download it again or re-create the robot application."
So far I have tried the following on my Ubuntu 16.04 64bit computer:
- Uninstalling and re-downloading/installing the Robot sdk over the robot sdk manager provided by the android sdk for Pepper
- Uninstalling and re-downloading/installing the android sdk for Pepper
- Deleting, recreating and creating the android studio application turning it into a robot application
- Removing other non essential android sdks
Moreover I also tried the following on another computer running windows 8.1 64bit:
- Repeating the tutorial installation
- Downloading and installing older version such as 2.22 and 2.11 of the android studio and repeating the tutorial installation.
Each time after I have completed Steps 1 & 2 when I want to start building or launching the application it fails on step B from this tutorial: android.aldebaran.com/doc/run_debug.html#run-debug and prints the Error mentioned above.
The project structure is identical to the one in the tutorial and I am able to sync the project via maven. But as I cannot actually launch the virtual robot environment or run the application I cannot make use of this sdk.
I have also found a similar question being asked on stackoverflow but there hasn't been a response yet. Also I don't understand the comments.
I tried using another computer with windows 10 64bit freshly formatted so I installed Java jdk & jre 1.8.0_121 and android studio 2.3.1 as I couldn't find 2.3.3:
- Repeated the tutorial installation
But still the same error message.