I am trying to understand the computational limitations of the SPARQL query, and I would like know how to write a query that will determine if there is a directed path between two objects.
I know a way to do it for a path of a specific length:
SELECT ?a ?b ?c ?d
WHERE { ?a <http://graphtheory/hasNeighbor> ?b .
?b <http://graphtheory/hasNeighbor> ?c .
?c <http://graphtheory/hasNeighbor> ?d .
FILTER (?a != ?c && ?b != ?d
&& ?a = <http://graphtheory/node/1>
&& ?d = <http://graphtheory/node/2>)
Is there a way to search for any length path in a single query? Is this impossible with SPARQL?
AndyS gave all the elements to answer this question, but there are some typos that might make it hard to apply them. As he says:
SPARQL 1.1 has property path which includes the * operator for any number of.
It does not tell you what the path is nor the length of the shortest path - only whether there is such a path.
The way to do this (based on AndyS, but with two little fixes) is:
PREFIX : <http://graphtheory/>
PREFIX node: <http://graphtheory/node/>
ASK { node:1 :hasNeighbor* node:2 }
As far as I can tell, there is no way to do this without using property paths.
SPARQL 1.1 has property paths which include the *
operator for “any number of”.
It does not tell you what the path is nor the length of the shortest path—only whether there is such a path.
PREFIX : <http://graphtheory/node/>
PREFIX node: <http://graphtheory/node/>
ASK { node:1 :hasNeighbor* node:2 }
(You don't need the ?a =
and ?d =
, you can write the values into the query.)
Adding a path
datatype into the language is a place for future work—a few experimental systems have taken a look at the problem.