Pretty much a noobie here, so I appreciate any help someone can give.
I'm trying to add faceting to the search on my site through Sunspot. Ryan just released a great Railscast which got me started: I got that working and was able to add additional facets. My problem is that the facets are independent of each other. If I have 3 facets on 3 different attributes, when I select a facet once I already have on selected, I would like to display only results falling into both of those facests. As of now, it just switches from one facet to the other. I feel like this shouldn't be that difficult, but I can't figure out how to do it.
I did find this tutorial: which I think is doing what I want. I tried to get this working but, even when I attempt to make it work with just one facet I don't any results listed. Just the facet name and then nothing else.
Thank you!!
Here is the code samples of what I am trying to do:
Adjusting the Railscasts code I got this:
In my StylesController:
def index
@search = do
fulltext params[:search]
facet :departmental, :seasonal, :classifier
with(:departmental, params[:department]) if params[:department].present?
with(:classifier, params[:classification]) if params[:classification].present?
with(:seasonal, params[:season]) if params[:season].present?
In my Style Index view (I know I need to condense this)
= form_tag styles_path, :method => :get do
= text_field_tag :search, params[:search]
= submit_tag "Search", :name => nil
%h4 Departments
- for row in @search.facet(:departmental).rows
- if params[:department].blank?
= link_to row.value, :department => row.value
- else
%strong= row.value
(#{link_to "remove", :department => nil})
%h4 Classifications
- for row in @search.facet(:classifier).rows
- if params[:classification].blank?
= link_to row.value, :classification => row.value
- else
%strong= row.value
(#{link_to "remove", :classification => nil})
%h4 Seasons
- for row in @search.facet(:seasonal).rows
- if params[:season].blank?
= link_to row.value, :season => row.value
- else
%strong= row.value
(#{link_to "remove", :season => nil})
In my Style Model:
searchable do
text :number, :description, :department, :classification, :season
string :departmental
string :classifier
string :seasonal
def departmental
def classifier
def seasonal
And my version of the upubly code, paired down to just try to get the "seasonal" facet working:
I left the the Search Partial, the Search Model and the SearchHelper the same as in the example. I tried to mess with the Helper as my Facets will be pulling text values, not just IDs of other Models, but to no avail. I don't have my various attributes set up as individual Models as I didn't think I needed that functionality, but I am starting to think otherwise.
def index
@title = "All styles"
@search = search =[:search]) # need to set local variable to pass into search method
@search.url = styles_path
@search.facets = [:seasonal]
@solr_search = do
keywords search.query
with(:seasonal, true)
search.facets.each do |item|
with(:seasonal, params[:season]) if params[:season].present?
any_of do
# filter by facets
search.facets.each do |item|
with(item).all_of( params[item].try(:split, "-") ) if params[item].present?
paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 10)
Again, I appreciate the help. Definitely a noob, but really enjoying the process of building this site. Stackoverflow has been a HUGE help for me already, so I owe everybody who posts answers on here a big-time thank you.