I am very new to R so please bear with me if something is not clear in my question.
I have a data.frame
"protein" with 5 columns, namely;
1.protein_name, 2.protein_FC, 3.protein_pval, 4.mRNA_FC, 5.mRNA_pval and 6.freq.
I am trying to plot a volcano plot with x=log2(protein_FC), y=-log10(protein_pval). Then map the size of the dots to freq and colour to mRNA_FC. This all works fine and here is the code that I have used:
ggplot( protein [ which ( protein$freq <= 0.05 ),] , aes( x = log2( protein_FC ) ,
y = -log10 ( protein_pval ) , size = freq , colour = mRNA_FC ,
label = paste(protein_name,",",mRNA_pval), alpha=1/1000)) +
geom_point() + geom_text( hjust = 0 , vjust = 0 , colour = "black" , size = 2.5 ) +
geom_abline( intercept = 1.3 , slope = 0) +
all is fine till here. But because of the nature of the experiment, data it is quite dense around mRNA_FC = 0
. There, the default colour scheme that ggplot applies doesnt work very well in distinguishing different points.
I have tried various colour scales by using low="colour1"
and high="colour2"
. However I think it will be best to use multiple colour scales over the ranges of mRNA_FC
, i.e. something like. blue to white for -3<mRNA<-0.2
, red to white for -0.2<mRNA_FC<0
, green to white for 0<mRNA_FC<0.2
and black to white for 0.2<mRNA_FC<3
But I havent found any way of doing it yet.
Any help would be appreciated. Cheers!