I am working on a COM dll. I wish to convert a BSTR to a std::string to pass to a method that takes a const reference parameter.
It seems that using _com_util::ConvertBSTRToString() to get the char* equivalent of the BSTR is an appropriate way to do so. However, the API documentation is sparse, and the implementation is potentially buggy:
#include <comutil.h>
#include <string>
void Example(const std::string& Str) {}
int main()
BSTR BStr = SysAllocString("Test");
char* CharStr = _com_util::ConvertBSTRToString(BStr);
if(CharStr != NULL)
std::string StdStr(CharStr);
delete[] CharStr;
What are the pros and cons of alternatives to using ConvertBSTRToString(), preferrably based on standard methods and classes?
You can do this yourself. I prefer to convert into the target std::string
if possible. If not, use a temp-value override.
// convert a BSTR to a std::string.
std::string& BstrToStdString(const BSTR bstr, std::string& dst, int cp = CP_UTF8)
if (!bstr)
// define NULL functionality. I just clear the target.
return dst;
// request content length in single-chars through a terminating
// nullchar in the BSTR. note: BSTR's support imbedded nullchars,
// so this will only convert through the first nullchar.
int res = WideCharToMultiByte(cp, 0, bstr, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (res > 0)
WideCharToMultiByte(cp, 0, bstr, -1, &dst[0], res, NULL, NULL);
{ // no content. clear target
return dst;
// conversion with temp.
std::string BstrToStdString(BSTR bstr, int cp = CP_UTF8)
std::string str;
BstrToStdString(bstr, str, cp);
return str;
Invoke as:
BSTR bstr = SysAllocString(L"Test Data String")
std::string str;
// convert directly into str-allocated buffer.
BstrToStdString(bstr, str);
// or by-temp-val conversion
std::string str2 = BstrToStdString(bstr);
// release BSTR when finished
Something like that, anyway.
Easy way
BSTR => CStringW => CW2A => std::string.