I took a regular UITabBar
and changed it's background image to a custom one which has a lower height, so I changed the height
of the frame
At first what I got is a blank space below the tab bar. so I changed the origin
of the frame
too. But now the blank space has moved up above the tab bar and this is the result:
And this is the code declaring the tab bar in the AppDelegate:
self.tabContoller = [[UITabBarController alloc] init];
//customizing the tabbar
UIImage * tabBackgroundImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"tabBarBg.png"];
self.tabContoller.tabBar.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:245.f/255.f green:245.f/255.f blue:245.f/255.f alpha:255.f/255.f];
self.tabContoller.tabBar.backgroundImage = tabBackgroundImage;
//setting the tabbar height to the correct height of the image
CGRect tabR = self.tabContoller.tabBar.frame;
CGFloat diff = tabR.size.height - tabBackgroundImage.size.height;
tabR.size.height = tabBackgroundImage.size.height;
tabR.origin.y += diff;
self.tabContoller.tabBar.frame = tabR;
I guess that the problem is that the ViewController
s draw themselves above a constant space which is the height of the regular tab bar. Is there any way to change it?