I am writing a shader according to the Phong Model. I am trying to implement this equation:
where n is the normal, l is direction to light, v is the direction to the camera, and r is the light reflection. The equations are described in more detail in the Wikipedia article.
As of right now, I am only testing on directional light sources so there is no r^2 falloff. The ambient term is added outside the below function and it works well. The function maxDot3 returns 0 if the dot product is negative, as it usually done in the Phong model.
Here's my code implementing the above equation:
#include "PhongMaterial.h"
PhongMaterial::PhongMaterial(const Vec3f &diffuseColor, const Vec3f &specularColor,
float exponent,const Vec3f &transparentColor,
const Vec3f &reflectiveColor,float indexOfRefraction){
_diffuseColor = diffuseColor;
_specularColor = specularColor;
_exponent = exponent;
_reflectiveColor = reflectiveColor;
_transparentColor = transparentColor;
Vec3f PhongMaterial::Shade(const Ray &ray, const Hit &hit,
const Vec3f &dirToLight, const Vec3f &lightColor) const{
Vec3f n,l,v,r;
float nl;
l = dirToLight;
n = hit.getNormal();
v = -1.0*(hit.getIntersectionPoint() - ray.getOrigin());
nl = n.maxDot3(l);
r = 2*nl*(n-l);
return (_diffuseColor*nl + _specularColor*powf(v.maxDot3(r),_exponent))*lightColor;
Unfortunately, the specular term seems to disappear for some reason. My output:
Correct output:
The first sphere only has diffuse and ambient shading. It looks right. The rest have specular terms and produce incorrect results. What is wrong with my implementation?