I've added a keylistener to my JTextArea field, but it doesn't behave as I expected.
inputTextArea.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() {
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent k) {
//If the return button is hit, only set to a new line if shift is also down.
if(k.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER) {
if(k.isShiftDown()) {
inputTextArea.append(" \n");
} else {
//Send The Message...
boolean cleanTextField = false;
try {
cleanTextField = true;
JScrollBar vbar = msgScrollPane.getVerticalScrollBar();
if ((vbar.getValue() + vbar.getVisibleAmount()) == vbar.getMaximum()) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
cleanTextField = false;
} finally {
if(cleanTextField) {
I want this: - If the return button is hit and shift is down: add a new line. - If the return button is hit and the shift button isn't down: no new line, but submit.
Now it behaves like this: - If I hit the return button and shift is down: no line added. Nothing happens. - If I hit the return button and shift isn't down: submitted, but if I start typing again it begins on new line.
Does someone know how to do what I want?
I tried some other code to detect if the shift button is down:
if((k.getModifiersEx() == KeyEvent.SHIFT_DOWN_MASK) ||
(k.getModifiers() == KeyEvent.SHIFT_DOWN_MASK)) {
This doesn't work as well