Can anyone guide how to get list of POI from a particular city for e.g. ahmedabad.
Got the query,72.601100&types=point_of_interest&radius=50000&sensor=false&key=YouAPIKey
"point_of_interest" its already mentioned that they provide but not sure how
Help will be appreciated
You need to pass any one of the supported type to your query against types.
Restricts the results to Places matching at least one of the specified types. Types should be separated with a pipe symbol (type1|type2|etc). See the list of supported types.'city'&key='APIKEY'
Replace with your city and API KEY.
I have came across same issue i have tried all the answers on how to find points of interest using places api as type : point_of interest is now allowed now
following worked for me query todo+in+city or country