
Angular js - check if current url matches the rout

2019-01-22 21:08发布


i'm simply doing setting this:

app.config(['$routeProvider',function($routeProvider) {

:id and :slug are dynamic params.

Now i would like to check if current url matches that route (/asd/:id/:slug)

for example the url : asd/5/it-is-a-slug

which is the simplest way?

i tryed this :

$rootScope.$on('$routeChangeStart', function(){ 

but sometimes it returns nothing in console while switching page routes


Current route allows you to use regular expression. Inject $route service and explore current route object. Namely regexp part:


This is how you can use it (example from controller method to check if current menu item (which has dynamic parts) should be activated):

$scope.isActive = function (path) {
    if ($route.current && $route.current.regexp) {
        return $route.current.regexp.test(path);
    return false;


You can try something like this:

  $routeProvider.when('/asd/:id/:slug', {
    templateUrl: '/views/template.html',
    controller: 'YourController',
    resolve: {
      data: ['$route', 'SecurityFactory',
        function ($route, SecurityFactory) {

          var id= parseInt($route.current.params.id, 10);
          var slug= $route.current.params.slug;

          SecurityFactory.checkParams(id, slug);

Then inside the SecurityFactory you can check the validity of the params. For example with RegExp.


Not a very elegant solution, and I have only tested it in Chrome DevTools, but it seems to work:

Object.getPrototypeOf($route.current) === $route.routes['/asd/:id/:slug'];

It seems that the routes property of the $routes service is an object literal with the keys set to the patterns for each route.

For others wanting to use this, just replace '/asd/:id/:slug' with the pattern that you used when you defined your route.

Also if you want to match the otherwise path, just use $route.routes['null']

Disclaimer: This is just a workaround that I found and which works for me. Given that this behavior is not documented, and that I didn't test it to see if it works in all scenarios, use it at your own risk.