I'm a bit confused about the different between Events and Listeners.
I understood how you can create your events under Events
then register them and implement the Handlers in Handlers\Events
. So here I have events and the handling of events.
They work after I define them in Providers\EventServiceProvider.php
protected $listen = [
UserHasSignedUp::class => [
So what are Listeners?
To me they seem exactly the same thing as Event Handlers?
In your example UserHasSignedUp
is an Event
. SendWelcomeEmail
and SendAdminEmail
are two listeners "waiting" for the event UserHasSignedUp to be fired and they should implement the required business logic at handle
method of each one.
Super simple example:
Somewhere in UserController
Event::fire(new UserHasSignedUp($user)); //UserHasSignedUp is the event being fired
SendWelcomeEmail class
class SendWelcomeEmail //this is the listener class
public function handle(UserHasSignedUp $event) //this is the "handler method"
//send an email
As you can see, each event can have multiple listeners, but a listener can't listen to more than a single event.
If you want a class listening to many events, you should take a look to Event Subscribers
Hope it helps.
The only difference between them seems to be is, handler:event
is from Laravel 5.0's folder structure, and make:listener
is the new & current folder structure. Functionally, they are the same! - Upgrade Guide to Laravel 5.1
Commands & Handlers
The app/Commands directory has been renamed to
app/Jobs. However, you are not required to move all of your commands
to the new location, and you may continue using the make:command and
handler:command Artisan commands to generate your classes.
Likewise, the app/Handlers directory has been renamed to app/Listeners
and now only contains event listeners. However, you are not required
to move or rename your existing command and event handlers, and you
may continue to use the handler:event command to generate event
By providing backwards compatibility for the Laravel 5.0 folder
structure, you may upgrade your applications to Laravel 5.1 and slowly
upgrade your events and commands to their new locations when it is
convenient for you or your team.
It's just the backward compatibility provided in Laravel 5.1. In other words, earlier, Jobs/Commands/Listeners were not self-handling, now they are.
Note that, handler:event
is not available after Laravel 5.1.
There's not too much information on this out there, so this might just be speculation. I took a look at this video and saw that you can use handlers with commands. I think if you're using commands, that makes sense to have all your handlers in one spot. However if you're not, then having a App\Handlers\Events\Whatever
might not be as desirable as App\Listeners\Whatever
Listeners vs. Handlers :
A listener listen
for a specific event to be fired. xxxxCreatedListener will only listen for xxxx
A handler can handle multiple events to be fired. For exemple, let's say you use performing CRUD operations, your handler could wait for the xxxxCreatedEvent, xxxxDeletedEvent, xxxxUpdatedEvent.