Using jsf 2.2.0.
For all the date, it seems to remove one day. When I click on 8 nov, it displays 11/08/2011. But then it stores Nov 7, 2011 in my Date field in my managed bean.
I live in singapore, wondering if it's an issue with the timezone.
Using jsf 2.2.0.
For all the date, it seems to remove one day. When I click on 8 nov, it displays 11/08/2011. But then it stores Nov 7, 2011 in my Date field in my managed bean.
I live in singapore, wondering if it's an issue with the timezone.
try adding this to your web.xml
If you are using primefaces 5, in your scheduler :
<p:schedule ...ignoreTimezone="false" />
Adding the argument -Duser.timezone=UTC
to the startup parameters fixed problem for me.
To summarize: p:schedule work only well when following parameters are sets:
I have just added the following parameter in web.xml and the issue is fixed. I didn't include any command like -Duser.timezone=UTC while starting the server, still its fixed the issue.
Regards Khaleel
I'm using Wildfly 8 and PF 5.0.RC1 and the only thing that did the trick for me was setting the Timezone of the calendar to nothing...
<p:calendar timeZone = "" />
Don't know if this is a proper solution, seems more like a workaround, but it worked fine locally and deployed.
Maybe it is because you didn't insert the hours. For example in this case
<p:calendar id="dateFromCalendar"
value="#{platform.frameBean.dateFrom}" showOn="button"
pattern="dd-MM-yyyy" timeZone="Europe/Warsaw">
the hour will come as 00:00 of the actual day. And because the timezone (-02:00), the hour will appear as 22:00 of the day before the actual day. The correct thing to do is
<p:calendar id="dateFromCalendar"
value="#{platform.frameBean.dateFrom}" showOn="button"
pattern="dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm" timeZone="Europe/Warsaw">
The hour will appear, so the timezone will make the correct calculations
In your calendar component, add a converter and indicate your timezone e.g
<p:calendar id="date">
<f:convertDateTime timeZone="Asia/Singapore"></f:convertDateTime>
Have you tried to set the timezone
and locate
Otherwise, you can create a converter object that converts the date.
This is a tutorial to create a custom converter: