How to create input name field with string-variabl

2020-06-03 03:35发布


I use VueJs, i need to extract javascript variable to generate hidden fields.

But i need to set the name by the index of the variable.

I want to use zig-zag naming schema.


 <input type="text" name="segment[{index}][field_name]" :value="{value}">

Javascript Variable:

    var test_template = {
                        0: {
                            nb: 2
                        1: {
                            nb: 1
                        2: {
                            nb: 4

Foreach with Variable to Generate Hidden Fields :

    <div v-for="(a,index) in test_template" class="row">            
      <input type="hidden" :name="segment[index][nb]" :value="a.nb">

Here, :name is a dynamic instance for access vuejs values. index is vuejs variable but "segment" is not a vuejs variable, its actually a string.

But i need this schema to generate array of inputs.

Is this possible ?

Or Any other solutions are there ?

Thanks in Advance !


To create input elements with dynamic names by index, you can use the + in a JS expression to concatenate:

<div v-for="(a,index) in test_template" class="row">            
  <input type="hidden" :name="'segment[' + index + '][nb]'" :value="a.nb">


<input type="hidden" name="section[0][nb]" value="2">
<input type="hidden" name="section[1][nb]" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="section[2][nb]" value="4">



I ran across the same problem as you, and here is how i fixed it !

make a method like this in your vue-instance

getInputName(index, dataName){
      return "items["+index+"]["+dataName+"]";

then you can use it like this:

<input v-bind:name="getInputName(index, 'name')" type="text" v-model="">
<input v-bind:name="getInputName(index, 'price')" type="text" v-model="item.price">

which will give you this post result:

"items" =>[
    0 =>[
      "name" => "test"
      "price" => "23"
    1 =>[
      "name" => "jakke"
      "price" => "99,2312"

And thats it...

Cheers, Sipman