Currently I have an Active Directory associated with a set of subcriptions for the company I work at's Azure platform. However, the 'Default Directory' AD is on the domain forenamesurnamehotmailco
where forenamesurname
is an employee that no longer works here.
My question is twofold:
- Does renaming the directory from 'Default Directory' possibly break any links that are possibly hard-coded anywhere (assume poor legacy code quality) (connection strings etc.), or is it a superficial name that i can change freely?
- Does changing the domain name from
to something else have any possible unintended consequences?
Thank you.
For question one, you can modify the directory name of Azure AD based on your requirements. It's just a display name, which will show up on the login page. The name modification will not break any links.
For question two, initial domain name was established when the directory was created by the admin, and it can't be changed or deleted. However, you can add a custom domain name.
Please see the referred part from official documentation below.
Every domain name in Azure AD is either an initial domain name, or a
custom domain name.
Every Azure AD comes with an initial domain name in the form This third level domain name, in this example
“,” was established when the directory was
created, typically by the admin who created the directory. The initial
domain name for a directory can't be changed or deleted. The initial
domain name, while fully functional, is intended primarily to be used
as a bootstrapping mechanism until a custom domain name is verified.