I am trying to get the GPS strength value to show if the signal is strong or weak. Does anyone know how to get the value.
Thanks in advance.
I am trying to get the GPS strength value to show if the signal is strong or weak. Does anyone know how to get the value.
Thanks in advance.
use the properties of CLLocation like horizontalAccuracy
and verticalAccuracy
which indicate how accurate the device believes that location fix to be.
and u can use
if (someLocation.horizontalAccuracy < 0)
// No Signal
else if (someLocation.horizontalAccuracy > 163)
// Poor Signal
else if (someLocation.horizontalAccuracy > 48)
// Average Signal
// Full Signal
taken from link hope it helps. happy coding :)
You could have used the excellent search function of stackoverflow and find this solution:
Finding GPS signal strength
You don't have direct access to number of visible satellites or signal strength.
You could however calculate fake signal strength from accuracy.
-(void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateToLocation:(CLLocation *)newLocation fromLocation:(CLLocation *)oldLocation
NSLog (@"accuracy: H:%.2f, V:%.2f", newLocation.horizontalAccuracy, newLocation.verticalAccuracy);