I'm trying to create a zip file in Kotlin.
this is the code:
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var files: Array<String> = arrayOf("/home/matte/theres_no_place.png", "/home/matte/vladstudio_the_moon_and_the_ocean_1920x1440_signed.jpg")
var out = ZipOutputStream(BufferedOutputStream(FileOutputStream("/home/matte/Desktop/test.zip")))
var data = ByteArray(1024)
for (file in files) {
var fi = FileInputStream(file)
var origin = BufferedInputStream(fi)
var entry = ZipEntry(file.substring(file.lastIndexOf("/")))
origin.buffered(1024).reader().forEachLine {
the zip file is created, but the files inside are corrupt!
If you use Kotlin's IOStreams.copyTo()
extension, it will do the copying work for you, and that ended up working for me.
So replace this:
origin.buffered(1024).reader().forEachLine {
With this:
origin.copyTo(out, 1024)
I also had issues with the ZipEntry
having a leading slash, but that could just be because I'm on Windows.
Note: I didn't end up needing to call closeEntry()
to get this to work but it is recommended.
I did a mix:
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val files: Array<String> = arrayOf("/home/matte/theres_no_place.png", "/home/matte/vladstudio_the_moon_and_the_ocean_1920x1440_signed.jpg")
ZipOutputStream(BufferedOutputStream(FileOutputStream("/home/matte/Desktop/test.zip"))).use { out ->
for (file in files) {
FileInputStream(file).use { fi ->
BufferedInputStream(fi).use { origin ->
val entry = ZipEntry(file.substring(file.lastIndexOf("/")))
origin.copyTo(out, 1024)
It works perfectly!
1) You are writing an empty byte array to the out
for each line of an input file.
2) There is no need in BufferedReader
because it is enough to read and write bytes instead of lines (which would lead the unpacked content not to be matched with the original).
3) All streams should be closed in the case of exceptions. Use method use
like try-with-resources in java.
4) val
instead var
there possible
5) Don't use absolute paths except for the quick test snippets.
6) This snippet is not in idiomatic way for Kotlin (see the Todd's answer)
So this is how it should work (though in the Java way):
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val files: Array<String> = arrayOf("/home/matte/theres_no_place.png", "/home/matte/vladstudio_the_moon_and_the_ocean_1920x1440_signed.jpg")
ZipOutputStream(BufferedOutputStream(FileOutputStream("/home/matte/Desktop/test.zip"))).use { out ->
val data = ByteArray(1024)
for (file in files) {
FileInputStream(file).use { fi ->
BufferedInputStream(fi).use { origin ->
val entry = ZipEntry(file)
while (true) {
val readBytes = origin.read(data)
if (readBytes == -1) {
out.write(data, 0, readBytes)
EDIT: I've ran this snippet with my files and it worked OK.
Here is a solution working with subfolders:
fun addFolderToZip(
folder: String,
destination: String,
zipFileName: String = folder.substring(folder.lastIndexOf("/"))
) {
val folderToZip = File(folder)
var out: ZipOutputStream? = null
try {
out = ZipOutputStream(
recursivelyAddZipEntries(folderToZip, folderToZip.absolutePath, out)
} catch (e: Exception) {
Log.e("ZIP Err", e.message)
} finally {
private fun recursivelyAddZipEntries(
folder: File,
basePath: String,
out: ZipOutputStream
) {
val files = folder.listFiles() ?: return
for (file in files) {
if (file.isDirectory) {
recursivelyAddZipEntries(file, basePath, out)
} else {
val origin = BufferedInputStream(FileInputStream(file))
origin.use {
val entryName = file.path.substring(basePath.length)
origin.copyTo(out, 1024)