I have this vue function where there are basically two methods. The first one postStatus
is used to save a post just after the user clicks on the save button, and the other one getPosts
is used to retrieve all previous posts of that user from the database.
Here is the vue.js, where there is an ajax call to a controller (in Laravel 5.3)
$(document).ready(function () {
var csrf_token = $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content');
/*Event handling within vue*/
//when we actually submit the form, we want to catch the action
new Vue({
el : '#timeline',
data : {
post : '',
posts : [],
token : csrf_token,
limit : 20,
methods : {
postStatus : function (e) {
//console.log('Posted: '+this.post+ '. Token: '+this.token);
var request = $.ajax({
url : '/posts',
method : "POST",
dataType : 'json',
data : {
'body' : this.post,
'_token': this.token,
}).done(function (data) {
//console.log('Data saved successfully. Response: '+data);
this.post = '';
this.posts.unshift(data); //Push it to the top of the array and pass the data that we get back
}.bind(this));/*http://stackoverflow.com/a/26479602/1883256 and http://stackoverflow.com/a/39945594/1883256 */
/*request.done(function( msg ) {
console.log('The tweet has been saved: '+msg+'. Outside ...');
//$( "#log" ).html( msg );
request.fail(function( jqXHR, textStatus ) {
console.log( "Request failed: " + textStatus );
getPosts : function () {
//Ajax request to retrieve all posts
url : '/posts',
method : "GET",
dataType : 'json',
data : {
limit : this.limit,
}).done(function (data) {
this.posts = data.posts;
//the following will be run when everything is booted up
ready : function () {
console.log('Attempting to get the previous posts ...');
So far the, first method postStatus
is working fine.
The second one is supposed to be called or fired right at the ready function, however, nothing happens. I don't even get the console.log message Attempting to get the previous posts ...
. It seems it's never fired.
What is the issue? How do I fix it?
Notes: I am using jQuery 3.1.1, Vue.js 2.0.1