I'm working through the guide for learning vue.js, got to the section on props, and ran into a question.
I understand that child components have isolated scops and we use the props configuration to pass data into it from the parent, but when I try it out I can't get it to work.
I have the example I'm working on up on js fiddle:
var vm = new Vue({
el: '#app',
// data from my parent that I want to pass to the child component
greeting: 'hi'
// passing in the 'greeting' property from the parent to the child component
// setting data locally for the child
data: function (){
return { name: 'Chris' };
// using both local and parent data in the child's template
template: '<div> {{ greeting }}, {{ name }}</div>'
When I run the above code, my output is only:
, Chris
The data local to the child component renders fine, but the passed in parent's data is either not coming through or is not properly rendering.
I don't see any errors in the javascript console and the template is rendering.
Am I misunderstanding how the props are supposed to be passed in?