how prevent submit on press enter in twitter boots

2020-06-01 10:24发布


I have a input text and I apply it typeahead plugin for suggesting items, but when I press enter key on input text it submit form.

How can I prevent form submit using twitter bootstrap typeahead plugin?


You can target that specific input by adding an ID to it and simply removing the keydown event for enter like so:


$(document).ready(function() {
  $('form input').keydown(function(event){
    if(event.keyCode == 13) {
      return false;


The first answer didn't worked for me, maybe because of updating the typeahead plugin, but I did passed the problem by using the 'alternative' input created by typehead:

$(".twitter-typeahead > input").focus(function(){
    //disable btn when focusing the input
    $("#my_submit_button").prop('disabled', true);
    //enable btn when bluring the input
    $("#my_submit_button").prop('disabled', false);


According to the documentation, you can set the option confirmKeys to something else than return (13) :

   confirmKeys: [188, 32, 39],

However, a smarter way to go about this is to prevent sending the form on enter.


The best way I've found to approach this is not to use a submit input. Use a button input instead and add some js to submit the form when it's clicked.



I have same problem in my project using CodeIgniter and bootstrap here i found the solution and it works.

Just add onsubmit="return false;" in the form, like this:

<form id="frmcrud" method="post" onsubmit="return false;">