I use d3.js to generate a svg circle with a text logo in mid of the circle. Here is the svg result.
<g id="main">
<circle r="114" fill="#F0E8D0"></circle>
<text text-anchor="middle">The movie title</text>
Here is the d3.js
var circles = [{r: innerRadius}];
.attr("r",function(d){return d.r})
.attr("text-anchor", "middle")
.text(function(){ return "The movie title";});
I also want to fire some animations when mouse hover and leave the circle.
//code for transition
//code for transition
So the problem is: When mouse moves into the circle, the animation fires as expected, however, when mouse touches the text element, a mouseout event fires (mouse leaving the circle), followed by a mouseover event again (mouse entering the text element), which is not desirable.
It seems that the animation callbacks will be called when mouse touches any child element of the "< g >" tag.
I do not want any animation happen when mouse touches the text element. How can I do it?