Is it still possible to get Skype's user onlin

2020-06-01 08:31发布


As the title says, is it still possible to check a user's status (online, offline, busy...) on Skype after the (big) change in its API service? Developers section seems very very limited now:


Yes there is.

There are some urls wich can be used to detect the online status.

This gives a text with the statusname (e.g. away or online)

This gives you a numeric skype statuscode (see list below)

This gives an xml output including numeric statuscode and statustext in diffent languages

At last you have urls which show diffent status icon images:

Replace "smallicon" or "smallclassic" with the image you like. (Possible values: balloon, bigclassic, smallclassic, smallicon, mediumicon, dropdown-white, dropdown-trans)

In PHP The best way is to use my function:

   * @version: 1.0 (2014-05-13
   * @param: String $username             Skype Username
   * @param: [String $lang]               Languagecode (possible values 2014-05-13: "en", "fr", "de","ja", "zh-cn", "zh-tw", "pt", "pt-br", "it", "es", "pl" , "pl"
   * @param: [String $img_time]           Typ im Status Image wich you like to show (Possible values: 2014-05-13: balloon, bigclassic, smallclassic, smallicon, mediumicon, dropdown-white, dropdown-trans)
   * @return array                        "num" = Skype Statuscode, "text" = Statustext (Away" ect.), "img_url" url to Statuscode Image
  function getSkypeStatus($username, $lang = "de", $img_type = "mediumicon")
    $url = "".$username.".xml";
    $data = @file_get_contents($url);

    $status = array();
    if($data === false)
      $status = array("num" =>0,
                      "text"=>"http error"
      if(isset($http_response_header)) $status["error_info"] = $http_response_header;
      $pattern = '/xml:lang="NUM">(.*)</';
      preg_match($pattern,$data, $match);

      $status["num"] = $match[1];

      $pattern = '/xml:lang="' . $lang .'">(.*)</';
      preg_match($pattern,$data, $match);

      $status["text"]    = $match[1];
      $status["img_url"] = "".$img_type."/".$username;
    return $status;


$status = getSkypeStatus("YourSkypeName"); // Minimal
$status = getSkypeStatus("YourSkypeName","de");  // with defined language for Statustext
$status = getSkypeStatus("YourSkypeName","de", "mediumicon"); // with specified image 

// to display status Icon:

echo '<img src="'.$status["img_url"].'" alt="'.$status["text"].'" title="'.$status["text"].'">';

// or if you like to do you own code for different status

  case 7:
  case 2: echo "You are online"; break;
  default: echo "you are offline or in away state";

Possible Status messages (in english) are

  • http error: Error to get the api data e.g. problems with internet
  • connection Unknown: Not opted in or no data available. Offline:
  • The user is Offline Online: The user is Online Away:
  • The user is Away Not Available: The user is Not Available Do Not
  • Disturb: The user is Do Not Disturb (DND)
  • Invisible: The user is Invisible or appears Offline
  • Skype Me: The user is in Skype Me mode

Possible numeric Statuscodes:

  • case 0 = Unknown
  • case 1 = Offline
  • case 2 = Online
  • case 3 = Away
  • case 4 = Not Available
  • case 5 = Do Not Disturb
  • case 6 = Invisible
  • case 7 = Skype Me

I god these informations from following threads:


UPDATE 2014-12-19:

It is important to know: checking a skype status works ONLY if the user has enabled "my status in internet" or "Mein Status darf im Netz veröffentlicht werden" (in german). Otherwise the status is alway "offline"


Feature is not supported since May 2015

The checkbox disappeared from Skype Options.


标签: api skype