I have the following file
and I'd like to read it's contents
short answer:
fileContent = play.vfs.VirtualFile.fromRelativePath("/app/menus/menu1.yml").contentAsString();
I have the following file
and I'd like to read it's contents
short answer:
fileContent = play.vfs.VirtualFile.fromRelativePath("/app/menus/menu1.yml").contentAsString();
PlayFramework is built using the Java language.
In your code, there is no restriction about the usage of the java API. So, your file can be read using the standard java code, if you know the file absolute path:
java.io.File yourFile = new java.io.File("/path/app/menus/menu1.yml");
java.io.FileReader fr = new java.io.FileReader(yourFile);
// etc.
If you want to access a File in a relative path from your Play application, your can use the play "VirtualFile" class: http://www.playframework.org/documentation/api/1.1/play/vfs/VirtualFile.html
VirtualFile vf = VirtualFile.fromRelativePath("/app/menus/menu1.yml");
File realFile = vf.getRealFile();
FileReader fr = new FileReader(realFile);
// etc.
For Play 2.0 in Scala you want to use Play.getFile(relativePath: String)
Play includes the SnakeYAML parser. From their docs:
Yaml yaml = new Yaml();
String document = "\n- Hesperiidae\n- Papilionidae\n- Apatelodidae\n- Epiplemidae";
List<String> list = (List<String>) yaml.load(document);
['Hesperiidae', 'Papilionidae', 'Apatelodidae', 'Epiplemidae']
There is also a version of Yaml.load
that takes an InputStream
, which is demonstrated in this sample code: http://code.google.com/p/snakeyaml/source/browse/src/test/java/examples/LoadExampleTest.java
From Play 2.6 this is now in Environment. And I suggest using either .getExistingFile
which returns an option in case file does not exist. Or .resource
which returns a URL to anything in the classpath only.
class Someclass @Inject (environment: play.api.Environment) {
// ...
}{ file =>
// Do something magic with file