
Anything better than CruiseControl for .Net CI? [c

2020-06-01 08:08发布


I've been asked to set up yet another CruiceControl environment for yet another client. I realized that I've been using CC for years without really looking around for competitors. Is there anything else that's sprung up that does the job equally well or better for .Net apps?


TeamCity is a very good CI server. (and the "Professional" edition is free)

I've been using it for over a year for building .NET projects, and I must say it's way better than CC.NET IMHO.

Strong points are:

  • Very easy to configure (web based GUI)
  • Distributed system (you can have several build agents on multiple machines to distribute the build process)
  • Built-in support for many source control systems
  • ... check the website. The product is awesome ...


If you haven't seen it you might want to check out the Continuous Integration Feature Matrix which lists virtually ever CI server out there.

I work on the Java version of CruiseControl and these days I work for Urbancode who makes AnthillPro. From that perspective the right tool depends on the scope of what you're looking for. If you're just looking for fast feedback after a build lots of tools will work. If you're looking to setup a build grid then a there's a smaller group of tools. If you want to track dependencies between projects and deployments to multiple environments then you're in an even smaller group.


AppVeyor CI is worth looking at. It's a hosted Continuous Integration service for .NET developers and it's free for open-source projects.


Bamboo is an alternative... it also is provided as part of a integrated toolset or cloud service. They include Subversion, Jira (task/bug logging), confluence (WIKI), and other coding tools - see the link.

The are available as a managed service or you can purchase the suite and run it internally. Their packages are extended to use a single sign on system and centrally administrated.


TeamCity is really a good solution.

Hudson is also a really great tool, and even if it is essentially dedicated to Java projects, it can be used on .Net or C++ projects quite easily now...


Why not MSBuild if you are building .Net projects? Do you have a TeamFoundationServer, if so, TeamFoundationBuild and MSbuild are a definite possibility.