nodejs forever : How to run my npm application

2020-06-01 08:01发布


Right now i am runnign my nodejs application as npm start. i want to run it in background. I found forever package for this but dont know how can i run a application that i usually run as npm start. So how can i run it using forever ?

I follow this SO but getting this error:

ENVIRONMENT=production forever start app.js
warn:    --minUptime not set. Defaulting to: 1000ms
warn:    --spinSleepTime not set. Your script will exit if it does not stay up for at least 1000ms
info:    Forever processing file: app.js

apart of this Is there any other better way to run nodejs in background ?


You are doing it right.

The warnings are just reminding you that some essential information is missing, so it assigns the defaults. To be exact, if your script crashes/exits sooner than a second after start, forever will exit as well.

If you would like to get rid of those warnings:

forever start --minUptime 1000 --spinSleepTime 1000 app.js 

Furthermore, you can open the package.json file, find the:

  "scripts": {
    "start": "node app.js"

and change it to:

  "scripts": {
    "start": "forever start --minUptime 1000 --spinSleepTime 1000 app.js",
    "stop":  "forever stop app.js"

Now you can use npm start and it will invoke forever automatically.


For Linux Use terminal and enter in superuser mode, and try these code

$ nohup node <location of of js file> &
$ exit

Note: This '&' is must before you press enter

or for npm command, just goto the location by cd command where your package.json is stored. Then

$ nohup npm start &
$ exit

Note: This '&' is must before you press enter

To stop it

$ top

You can see process id here, then use following code

$ kill -9 <PROCESS_ID>