We are in the process of learning Ember.js. We do all our development TDD, and want Ember.js to be no exception. We have experience building Backbone.js apps test-driven, so we are familiar with testing front-end code using Jasmine or Mocha/Chai.
When figuring out how to test views, we ran into a problem when the template for the view uses has a #linkTo
statement. Unfortunately we are unable to find good test examples and practices. This gist is our quest to get answers how to decently unit-test ember applications.
When looking at the test for linkTo in Ember.js source code, we noticed it contains a full wiring of an ember app to support #linkTo
. Does this mean we cannot stub this behaviour when testing a template?
How do you create tests for ember views using template renders?
Here is a gist with our test and a template that will make the test pass, and a template that will make it fail.
# This test is made with Mocha / Chai,
# With the chai-jquery and chai-changes extensions
describe 'TodoItemsView', ->
beforeEach ->
testSerializer = DS.JSONSerializer.create
primaryKey: -> 'id'
TestAdapter = DS.Adapter.extend
serializer: testSerializer
TestStore = DS.Store.extend
revision: 11
adapter: TestAdapter.create()
TodoItem = DS.Model.extend
title: DS.attr('string')
store = TestStore.create()
@todoItem = store.createRecord TodoItem
title: 'Do something'
@controller = Em.ArrayController.create
content: []
@view = Em.View.create
templateName: 'working_template'
controller: @controller
@controller.pushObject @todoItem
afterEach ->
describe 'amount of todos', ->
beforeEach ->
# $('#konacha') is a div that gets cleaned between each test
Em.run => @view.appendTo '#konacha'
it 'is shown', ->
$('#konacha .todos-count').should.have.text '1 things to do'
it 'is livebound', ->
expect(=> $('#konacha .todos-count').text()).to.change.from('1 things to do').to('2 things to do').when =>
Em.run =>
extraTodoItem = store.createRecord TodoItem,
title: 'Moar todo'
@controller.pushObject extraTodoItem
<div class="todos-count"><span class="todos">{{length}}</span> things to do</div>
{{#linkTo "index"}}Home{{/linkTo}}
<div class="todos-count"><span class="todos">{{length}}</span> things to do</div>