Gitlab can't clone repository even though ssh

2020-06-01 08:17发布


As the title states, I can't clone a repository from a Gitlab 6 server even though the ssh seems to work.

When trying to clone, it looks like this:

git clone ssh://
Cloning into 'repository'...
Access denied.
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

In the project, I have the role of "developer" which should have the rights to clone a repository?

I also checked if my SSH public key is working

ssh -p 1337 -T
Welcome to GitLab, Anonymous!

More irritating to me is that for a friend of mine seems everything to work fine.

Edit: The main indicator for the problem stated here is the greeting from the SSH Test. In an working enviroment it should be greeting you with your name instead Anonymous!


Try the scp-like syntax:

git clone ssh://

That forces the use of ~/.ssh/config actually, which means the url can be simplified to gitlab:project/repositoriy.git.

But it turned out to be an ssh key issue in the gitlab server ~gitlab/.ssh/authorized_keys (a bit like in issue 4730).
The OP Gelix confirms in the comments:

I removed my key from Gitlab, manually from authorized_keys, readded it on Gitlab. Everything fine now.
Message with SSH Test is now also Welcome to GitLab, Felix *****!

(instead of Welcome to GitLab, Anonymous!)


I had the same problem recently with my private GitLab-CE hosted server. Reconfiguring the GitLab saved me. I have tried editing the local config file and adding the host also, but it didn't work. This worked for me.

sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure

标签: git ssh gitlab