I use a list as part of a Python program, and wanted to convert that to an environment variable.
So, it's like this:
list1 = ['a.1','b.2','c.3']
for items in list1:
alpha,number = items.split('.')
which gives me, as expected:
a 1
b 2
c 3
But when I try to set it as an environment variable, as:
export LIST_ITEMS = 'a.1', 'b.2', 'c.3'
and do:
list1 = [os.environ.get("LIST_ITEMS")]
for items in list1:
alpha,number = items.split('.')
I get an error: ValueError: too many values to unpack
How do I modify the way I pass the list, or get it so that I have the same output as without using env variables?
I'm not sure why you'd do it through the environment variables, but you can do this:
export LIST_ITEMS ="a.1 b.2 c.3"
And in Python:
list1 = [i.split(".") for i in os.environ.get("LIST_ITEMS").split(" ")]
for k, v in list1:
print(k, v)
The rationale
I recommend using JSON if you want to have data structured in an environment variable. JSON is simple to write / read, can be written in a single line, parsers exist, developers know it.
The solution
To test, execute this in your shell:
$ export ENV_LIST_EXAMPLE='["Foo", "bar"]'
Python code to execute in the same shell:
import os
import json
env_list = json.loads(os.environ['ENV_LIST_EXAMPLE'])
['Foo', 'bar']
<class 'list'>
Chances are high that you are interested in cfg_load
The environs PyPI package handles my use case well: load a single setting from env var and coerce it to a list, int, etc:
from environs import Env
env = Env()
env.read_env() # read .env file, if it exists
# required variables
gh_user = env("GITHUB_USER") # => 'sloria'
secret = env("SECRET") # => raises error if not set
# casting
max_connections = env.int("MAX_CONNECTIONS") # => 100
ship_date = env.date("SHIP_DATE") # => datetime.date(1984, 6, 25)
ttl = env.timedelta("TTL") # => datetime.timedelta(0, 42)
# providing a default value
enable_login = env.bool("ENABLE_LOGIN", False) # => True
enable_feature_x = env.bool("ENABLE_FEATURE_X", False) # => False
# parsing lists
gh_repos = env.list("GITHUB_REPOS") # => ['webargs', 'konch', 'ped']
coords = env.list("COORDINATES", subcast=float) # => [23.3, 50.0]
If you want to set the environment variable using that format, this would work:
from ast import literal_eval
list1 = [literal_eval(e.strip()) for e in os.environ["LIST_ITEMS"].split(',')]
for item in list1:
alpha,number = item.split('.')
print alpha, number
a 1
b 2
c 3