Say we have a parent template and a child template:
<template name="parent">
{{> child }}
<template name="child">
{{#if show}}
//Do something
If we assign 'show' to the parent template:
if (Meteor.isClient){ = function(){
return Session.get('isShowing');
Is there any way for the child template to have access to it?
You could make a universal handlebars helper so you could use Sessions values anywhere in your html:
Client js
Handlebars.registerHelper('session', function(key) {
return Session.get(key);
Client HTML
<template name="child">
{{#if session "show"}}
//Do something
Similarly, you could also use {{session "show"}}
/ {{#if session "show"}}
in your parent template and not have to use the
helper anymore.
Regarding the use of ../
notation. There are certain scenarios it may not work: Basically it works within {{#block helpers}} but not with templates, but it would work in a block helper if it contains a subtemplate.
<template name="child">
{{#if ../show}}
Do something
You can also register a common helper :
Template.registerHelper('isTrue', function(boolean) {
return boolean == "true";
And call it just like that in your html:
<input type="checkbox" checked="{{isTrue attr}}"/>