I want to use the
method of the
to generate training data for a regression model, where the target value can be any float value between 1 and -1.
has a "class_mode" parameter with the descripton
class_mode: one of "categorical", "binary", "sparse" or None. Default:
"categorical". Determines the type of label arrays that are returned:
"categorical" will be 2D one-hot encoded labels, "binary" will be 1D
binary labels, "sparse" will be 1D integer labels.
Which of these values should I take? None of them seems to really fit...
At this moment (newest version of Keras from January 21st 2017) the flow_from_directory
could only work in a following manner:
You need to have a directories structured in a following manner:
directory with images\
1st label\
1st picture from 1st label
2nd picture from 1st label
3rd picture from 1st label
2nd label\
1st picture from 2nd label
2nd picture from 2nd label
3rd picture from 2nd label
returns batches of a fixed size in a format of (picture, label)
So as you can see it could only be used for a classification case and all options provided in a documentation specify only a way in which the class is provided to your classifier. But, there is a neat hack which could make a flow_from_directory
useful for a regression task:
You need to structure your directory in a following manner:
directory with images\
1st value (e.g. -0.95423)\
1st picture from 1st value
2nd picture from 1st value
3rd picture from 1st value
2nd value (e.g. - 0.9143242)\
1st picture from 2nd value
2nd picture from 2nd value
3rd picture from 2nd value
You also need to have a list list_of_values = [1st value, 2nd value, ...]
. Then your generator is defined in a following manner:
def regression_flow_from_directory(flow_from_directory_gen, list_of_values):
for x, y in flow_from_directory_gen:
yield x, list_of_values[y]
And it's crucial for a flow_from_directory_gen
to have a class_mode='sparse'
to make this work. Of course this is a little bit cumbersome but it works (I used this solution :) )
I think that organizing your data differently, using a DataFrame (without necessarily moving your images to new locations) will allow you to run a regression model. In short, create columns in your DataFrame containing the file path of each image and the target value. This allows your generator to keep regression values and images properly synced even when you shuffle your data at each epoch.
Here is an example showing how to link images with binomial targets, multinomial targets and regression targets just to show that "a target is a target is a target" and only the model might change:
df['path'] = df.object_id.apply(file_path_from_db_id)
object_id bi multi path target
0 461756 dog white /path/to/imgs/756/61/blah_461756.png 0.166831
1 1161756 cat black /path/to/imgs/756/61/blah_1161756.png 0.058793
2 3303651 dog white /path/to/imgs/651/03/blah_3303651.png 0.582970
3 3367756 dog grey /path/to/imgs/756/67/blah_3367756.png -0.421429
4 3767756 dog grey /path/to/imgs/756/67/blah_3767756.png -0.706608
5 5467756 cat black /path/to/imgs/756/67/blah_5467756.png -0.415115
6 5561756 dog white /path/to/imgs/756/61/blah_5561756.png -0.631041
7 31255756 cat grey /path/to/imgs/756/55/blah_31255756.png -0.148226
8 35903651 cat black /path/to/imgs/651/03/blah_35903651.png -0.785671
9 44603651 dog black /path/to/imgs/651/03/blah_44603651.png -0.538359
10 49557622 cat black /path/to/imgs/622/57/blah_49557622.png -0.295279
11 58164756 dog grey /path/to/imgs/756/64/blah_58164756.png 0.407096
12 95403651 cat white /path/to/imgs/651/03/blah_95403651.png 0.790274
13 95555756 dog grey /path/to/imgs/756/55/blah_95555756.png 0.060669
I describe how to do this in great detail with examples here:
With Keras 2.2.4 you can use ".flow_from_dataframe" that solves what you want to do, allowing you to flow images from a directory for regression problems. You should store all your images in a folder and load a dataframe containing in one column the image IDs and in the other column the regression score (labels) and set "class_mode='other'" in ".flow_from_dataframe".
Here you can find an example where the images are in "image_dir", the dataframe with the image IDs and the regression scores is loaded with pandas from "train file"
train_label_df = pd.read_csv(train_file, delimiter=' ', header=None, names=['id', 'score'])
train_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(rescale = 1./255, horizontal_flip = True,
fill_mode = "nearest", zoom_range = 0.2,
width_shift_range = 0.2, height_shift_range=0.2,
train_generator = train_datagen.flow_from_dataframe(dataframe=train_label_df, directory=image_dir,
x_col="id", y_col="score", has_ext=True,
class_mode="other", target_size=(img_width, img_height),
There's just one glitch in the accepted answer that I would like to point out. The above code fails with an error message like:
TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index
This is because y is an array. The fix is simple:
def regression_flow_from_directory(flow_from_directory_gen,
for x, y in flow_from_directory_gen:
values = [list_of_values[y[i]] for i in range(len(y))]
yield x, values
The method to generate the list_of_values can be found in https://stackoverflow.com/a/47944082/4082092