Assume we have:
$a = @(1, @(2, @(3)))
I would like to flatten $a
to get @(1, 2, 3)
I have found one solution:
@($a | % {$_}).count
But maybe there is a more elegant way?
Assume we have:
$a = @(1, @(2, @(3)))
I would like to flatten $a
to get @(1, 2, 3)
I have found one solution:
@($a | % {$_}).count
But maybe there is a more elegant way?
Piping is the correct way to flatten nested structures, so I'm not sure what would be more "elegant". Yes, the syntax is a bit line-noisy looking, but frankly quite serviceable.
2020 Edit
The recommended syntax these days is to expand %
to ForEach-Object
. A bit more verbose but definitely more readable:
@($a | ForEach-Object {$_}).count
Same code, just wrapped in function:
function Flatten($a)
,@($a | % {$_})
function AssertLength($expectedLength, $arr)
if($ExpectedLength -eq $arr.length)
Write-Host "OK"
Write-Host "FAILURE"
# Tests
AssertLength 0 (Flatten @())
AssertLength 1 (Flatten 1)
AssertLength 1 (Flatten @(1))
AssertLength 2 (Flatten @(1, 2))
AssertLength 2 (Flatten @(1, @(2)))
AssertLength 3 (Flatten @(1, @(2, @(3))))
You can use .NET's String.Join method.