while 'playing around' with Camel using Spring DSL, I came across the following problem. Suppose the expected message flow looks like this:
- client sends HTTP POST message with XML body to CAMEL
- CAMEL proxies HTTP POST message towards server, with the URI slightly adapted using info from the received XML body (eg: use XPATH to filter out a certain parameter)
- after CAMEL has received a reply, CAMEL sends HTTP PUT message towards server, using parameters out of the XML body received in 1
So something like:
<from uri="...">
<to uri="...">
<to uri="...">
Question: how do I store the parameters in Spring DSL in step 1, so that I can use them later in step 3 ?
So, I would like to extract XML parameters out of the XML body of the message received in step 1 and put them into variables, which I then later on can use to compose the message to be sent in step 3.
For extracting the parameters, I was thinking of using XPATH. That looks ok, but I just don't see how to put the output of the XPATH into a variable and then use that variable later on ... (syntax ??)
Note: as you can see, my development knowledge is rather limited ... sorry for that. But it would still be great if someone could help with this :).