How to determine whether class B is a subclass of

2020-05-31 08:41发布


It seems that if you develop for Mac OS, NSObject has the isSubclassOfClass method. But when I check the iOS class reference for the same class, it does not have the method (and Xcode complains about the method).

My current solutions is to put a method -(void)iAmClassB in there, and perform a respondsToSelector:iAmClassB, but that seems contrived. Am I missing something?


It is available from iOS 2.0 and later version SDK

if ([ClassB isSubclassOfClass:[ClassA class]]) {

    NSLog(@"yes ClassB is SubclassOfClass of ClassA");




Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the receiving class is a subclass of, or identical to, a given class.

   + (BOOL)isSubclassOfClass:(Class)aClass



A class object.

Return Value

YES if the receiving class is a subclass of—or identical to—aClass, otherwise NO.


Available in iOS 2.0 and later.


id a= ...;
if([a isKindOfClass:[A class]]){

should do the job. You rarely needs to see if it's really a sub class. See here.