The Kafka controller in a Kafka cluster is in charge of managing partition leaders and replication.
If there are 100 brokers in a Kafka cluster, is the controller just one Kafka broker? So out of the 100 brokers, is the controller the leader?
How would you know which broker is the controller?
Is the management of the Kafka Controller critical to Kafka system management?
Within a Kafka cluster, a single broker serves as the active controller which is responsible for state management of partitions and replicas. So in your case, if you have a cluster with 100 brokers, one of them will act as the controller.
More details regarding the responsibilities of a cluster controller can be found here.
In order to find which broker is the controller of a cluster you first need to connect to Zookeeper through ZK CLI:
./bin/ -server localhost:2181
and then get
the controller
[zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 0] get /controller
The output should look like the one below:
cZxid = 0x191
ctime = Tue Sep 26 12:56:16 CEST 2017
mZxid = 0x191
mtime = Tue Sep 26 12:56:16 CEST 2017
pZxid = 0x191
cversion = 0
dataVersion = 0
aclVersion = 0
ephemeralOwner = 0x15ebdd241840002
dataLength = 56
numChildren = 0
Also, you can discard a controller and force controller election by deleting the current controller using
[zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 2] delete /controller
which should give an output similar to the one below:
DEBUG [Controller id=100] Resigning (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
DEBUG [Controller id=100] De-registering IsrChangeNotificationListener (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
DEBUG [Controller id=100] De-registering logDirEventNotificationListener (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
INFO [Controller id=100] Resigned (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
DEBUG [Controller id=100] Broker 200 has been elected as the controller, so stopping the election process. (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
Zookeeper is the storage of the state of a Kafka cluster. It is used for the controller election either in the very beginning or when the current controller crashes. The controller is also responsible for telling other replicas to become partition leaders when the partition leader broker of a topic fails/crashes.
The controller is one of the Kafka brokers that is also responsible for the task of electing partition leaders (in addition to the usual broker functionality).
Is the controller just one broker?
There is only 1 controller at a time.
Going internally, each broker tries to create an ephemeral node in the zookeeper (/controller). The first one succeeds, becoming the controller. The others just get a proper exception ("node already exists"), and watch on the controller node. When the controller dies, the ephemeral node is removed, and the watching brokers are notified. And again, the first one among them which succeeds in registering the ephemeral node, becomes the new controller, the others will once again get the "node already exists" exception and keep on waiting.
How would you know who is the controller in Kafka?
When a new controller is elected, it gets a "controller epoch" number by zookeeper. The brokers know the current controller epoch and if they receive a message from a controller with an older number, they know to ignore it.
Is the controller the leader?
Not really.. Each partition has its own leader. When a broker dies, the controller goes over all the partitions that need a new leader, determines who the new leader should be (simply a random replica in the in-sync replica list aka ISRs of that partition) and sends a request to all the brokers that contain either the new leaders or the existing followers for those partitions.
The new leaders now know that they need to start serving producer and
consumer requests from clients, while the followers now know that they need to start replicating from the new leader.