How can I implement OnPressed callback for Text wi

2020-05-30 11:54发布


I have a Text widget on pressing which another Route has to be shown. But I could not see any onPressed() method for the Text widget. Please Help.


Just wrap your title in a GestureDetector to handle clicks. Then call Navigator's pushNamed to redirect to a new route.

new GestureDetector(
  onTap: () {
    Navigator.pushNamed(context, "myRoute");
  child: new Text("my Title"),


Use InkWell

this gives you nice ripple effect as well

 new InkWell(
          onTap: () {
            Navigator.pushNamed(context, "YourRoute");
          child: new Padding(
            padding: new EdgeInsets.all(10.0),
            child: new Text("Tap Here"),


new FlatButton(
          onPressed: () {
            Navigator.pushNamed(context, "YourRoute");
          child: new Text("Tap Here"),


For All the widget of Flutter you can implement onPressed using these widget

1. InkWell() : Using this widget you can add ripple effect on clicking

     onTap: () {
         Navigator.pushNamed(context, "write your route");
     child: new Text("Click Here"),

2. GestureDetector() : Using this widget you can implement, onTap, onDoubleTap, onLongPress and many more

     onTap: () {
         Navigator.pushNamed(context, "write your route");
     onLongPress: (){
        // open dialog OR navigate OR do what you want
     child: new Text("Save"),