
Shell - one line query

2020-05-30 07:21发布


I need to execute a mysql query in one line using bash.

It should be something like this:

mysql database --user='root' --password='my-password' < query.file

But instead of the < query.file it would like to use a raw query like this:

mysql database --user='root' --password='my-password' < UPDATE `database` SET `field1` = '1' WHERE `id` = 1111;

Is that possible?


Did you try

 mysql -u root -pmy_password -D DATABASENAME -e "UPDATE `database` SET `field1` = '1' WHERE `id` = 1111;" > output.txt 

(the > output.txt part can be ignored but, it will be useful to see what was returned by the statement executed by looking at the file.)


Use the -e option:

$ mysql -e "UPDATE ..."


Use echo and a pipe:

echo "UPDATE `database` SET `field1` = '1' WHERE `id` = 1111;" | mysql database --user='root' --password='my-password'


Writing your password in a command is generally a bad idea (people can read it over your shoulder, it probably gets stored in your shell history, etc.), but you can put your credentials in a file. Giving the file a name starting with . makes it hidden, which is also more secure.

# .db.conf

Make sure only you can read the file:

chmod 600 .db.conf

Then call MySQL like so:

mysql --defaults-extra-file=.db.conf -e "UPDATE database SET field1 = '1' WHERE id = 1111;"


echo "UPDATE database SET field1 = '1' WHERE id = 1111;" | mysql --defaults-extra-file=.db.conf

Note that --defaults-extra-file needs to be the first option supplied to mysql otherwise it freaks out.


I normally prefer Triple less then as its syntax and approach is similar to file redirect. Easy to go back in history and modify query

mysql database --user='root' --password='my-password' <<< "UPDATE `database` SET `field1` = '1' WHERE `id` = 1111"

It is called Here Strings in bash. You can find more about them here http://linux.die.net/abs-guide/x15683.html

It is useful when you want to pipe string to commands.


If you are running this on a production environment, it would be better to login to the mysql shell first so as not to expose your db details.

Once logged into shell, why not just use a prepared.sql file?

mysql -u user -p

Next, enter your user password

Now you are logged into shell and you can run commands securely from here:

mysql> use DBNAME mysql> SOURCE file.sql

This is how I operate on the command line with my databases in order for my passwords not to appear in the logs.